Monday, November 29, 2010

Blasphemy and Heresy

Blasphemy is a communication by an outsider that is unacceptable to the members of a faith-based organization.

Heresy is the same as Blasphemy, but perpetrated by one who is inside the organization. These violations may be quite tame, but often result in the death of the initiating party at the hands of outraged believers.

Fundamental reality is not faith-based. It merely exists, despite our beliefs or lack thereof.

Sometimes it takes an extreme measure to rid the human race of specific fictional beliefs. I call these "unthinkable abominations". They are so named because a "true believer" cannot even conceive the idea.

Once these concepts have been conjured up by a heretic or blasphemer, they become "unspeakable abominations" until they are actually communicated. Upon being uttered, or written down and read by an audience, they graduate to the status of potential "abominations". Someone might actually do something.

Once the abomination is successfully perpetrated upon the world, it becomes REALITY. Fancy that - the unthinkable becomes the unspeakable, which becomes spoken and then becomes real. Reality always wins.

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